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Organization Profile

Step Up Tutoring’s mission is to drive student success by providing virtual high-impact tutoring and mentorship to elementary and middle school students in under-resourced communities. We recruit, train, and support mission-driven high-value tutors to provide individualized academic support and boost habits of success. By combining an innovative human capital solution with the effective use of technology, we provide a scalable and cost-effective tutoring model that drives meaningful academic gains, builds student confidence, and fosters positive relationships for students and tutors alike. Ultimately, we envision a world where all young people have the support they need to learn, develop, and access their dreams.

Children & Youth Education
Low-income Communities, Other
Santa Monica, CA, 90401


The Regional Center for Volunteerism
HandsOn Sacramento
A Program of Community Link Capital Region

8001 Folsom Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95826


HandsOn Connect

HandsOn Connect

Common Messages